"We are born to be fit, strong, and healthy." Robb Wolf

January 04, 2011

January Nutrition Challenge

Back by popular demand is the third installment of CrossFit Kingston's Nutrition Challenge. It's going to be plain and simple with one rule...


What is a whole food you ask? Well, a whole food is something that had a face or was pulled from the ground. See... Plain and simple.

If you stick to the list posted on World's Healthiest Foods, and not deviate from it, you will be fine. The things you are NOT ALLOWED to consume from this list are GRAINS, BEANS & LEGUMES, and SOY PRODUCTS. If you choose to consume dairy it must be full fat and preferably raw (meaning not pasteurized). Butter is allowed but ghee is preferred. The sweetners listed on the WHFoods site are the ONLY permissible sweeteners but must be used in EXTREME moderation (1-2 teaspoons per day) as they will promote an insulin response much greater than fruits or vegetables.

If you fall off the wagon for a meal, don't worry about it. Just get back on track with your next meal.

Alcohol - must not contain any grain product. Fruit or vegetable based alcohol is permitted (6 oz wine or 1 oz spirits), Only one serving per day.

Date: Monday January 17, 2010 to Sunday February 27, 2010.

There are no other rules. if you want to weigh, measure, photograph yourself by all means. You don't have to share it with anybody but the pictures are HIGHLY recommended. That is the only way to notice a big change in yourself. You do not have to keep a food log although it is strongly encouraged. There will be a section dedicated for those of you who would like to keep a log online just like the last challenge.

Even though we would like to base results on physical changes, we know that the majority of you do not like the idea of submitting your photos. So, this challenge will be purely performance based. We will have a series of workouts throughout the 6 week challenge. Only Andrew and Dawson will know which workouts will be used. That way you can't slack on the workout on Day 1 then blow it out of the water at the end of the challenge.

Indicate in the comments section if you plan to participate in this challenge.


Linds said...

I'm in !

Jessi said...

Im in for real this time:)
Get ready for some Naked Pics!!!

Foster said...

I'm in as long as I can still drink...at least one glass per day...

Kezia said...

I suppose I can give up my solid diet of pizza and tequilla for a few performance gains :P lol

I'm in!

Martha said...

I'm in too, lots of fond food memories from the last one! Hope the cravings end well before week 5 this time : )

bring on the raw dairy!!!!!

SamuraiMark said...

Malted barley isn't a grain right?

Sarah J said...

I'm going to try this again and hopefully not fail miserably this time.

SamuraiMark said...

My chances are slim given all the nachos, chocolate and scotch around here, but I'll throw my hat in the ring. Anyone putting money down? Cold hard cash always helps ...


Jaime said...

Count me in!!! The last challenge was amazing... I'm sure this will be much of the same! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey Mark. I know what you're getting at with the malted barley thing but it is still considered a grain. So products made from malt barley are not permitted. It is barley that is soaked and allowed to germinate. Once it has germinated it is dried. If you want to know a little more about it check out the link below:


SamuraiMark said...

Hi Dawson. I was thinking a different malted barley, the kind that comes from regions north of England. ;) But I was just kidding. I was pretty sure whisky wasn't going to get a pass. Time to break out the palinka.

Kezia said...

Hey Dawson... I was just wondering when it comes to supplements like whey protein shakes what are your thoughts? I can avoid them for this challenge, but in general?



Unknown said...

Great question Kezia. That has given me a good idea for an upcoming post. Thanks.

I will keep this answer short. Whey protein shakes (preferably in isolate form, not concentrate) are permitted ONLY as a post-WOD recovery meal. They get absorbed quickly by the body allowing for the important amino acids to be circulated for muscle repair.

Forks said...

i'm in this time

Anonymous said...

I'm in!
I have never done a nutrition challenge in my life so this should be good...

Crystal said...

I have a question(s). What about pork, bacon, shellfish, mussels, oysters... seems to be a lot of good food left off this list.
Also, where do you get raw dairy? If anyone has a reputable/legal source I would like to know.

Anonymous said...


Beth said...

time to get motivated ... count me in!!

Foster said...

You can get raw cheese from various animal sources at Pan Chancho. Raw milk is more difficult--you need to find a friendly farmer that trusts you...

Emma said...

If my drinking buddy Doyle is in, i may as well sign up too!

Unknown said...

Ahhh... I was wondering when someone would ask about additional foods.

Pork & bacon, unless you find organic pork, are usually the unhealthiest of the meats. Pigs are fed scraps and live in squaller. Even though they say pigs are some of the "cleanest" animals around. Most bacon you buy at the stores is processed. Due to this, pork is a definite no no for this challenge

I'm surprised that there is no indication of shellfish, oysters, and mussels. But if you click on the WHFoods link and scroll down to point #3, it explains why some foods have been left out.

So, what I have done is compiled a list of meats, vegetables, and fruits that will be added to the list indicated on the website.

Click or copy and paste the following link:

Crystal said...

Ok, FYI you can get nitrate free (mostly salt free as well) bacon and organic, ethically raised pork products from Wendy's market. I would definitely choose to put locally, ethically raised pork in my body over factory raised, mass produced chicken any day. Just a thought.

I tend to buy all my meat from Wendy. She has great locally raised, grass-fed beef and bison, lamb, chicken, pork and organic free range and farm raised eggs as well as organic veggies, cheeese from fifth town, honey and maple syrup. Basically, if you want all local and/or organic food this is a great option. If anyone wants to make a trip out there (Morton) or put in an order, she delivers, let me know. http://www.wendysmobilemarket.com/mobile-market.htm

Unknown said...

Thanks for the link Crystal. I have update the food list. You're lucky I like you :) hahaha. And that's it. no more alterations will be done.

Sandra said...

I'm in!!

kezia said...

Thanks D for addressing protein shakes... I'm really interested in learning more, can't wait for your post!


PW said...

Hahahaha...so how about this, where did that organic pig come from?

Was it created in a test tube or was it raised and through the ages by a conscientious farmer who only fed it the best of the best and ensured it only bread with other organically raised pigs.

I call HOG WASH!!

Forks said...

O.K. What is the deal with the fish oil calculation and what is the importance???

Kacey said...

I have never done a food challange so I'm going to try this one.

Anonymous said...

hey what about dried fruits, like cranberries. I would assume not, however then I saw raisins on the one link? And Dawson was that your view on whey protien shakes in general or just for this challenge?

Unknown said...

Anonymous... If you dry your own fruit then have at 'er. The stuff you usually buy at Bulk Barn or grocery stores usually has tons of sugar added. If you buy raisins make sure there isn't any sugar added to them.

As far as protein shakes go, this is information I have gathered from various sources while perusing the Internet and reading books. There is a lot of information out there regarding whey protein. A lot promoting its use and a lot saying otherwise. For the purpose of this challenge whey protein is acceptable only as a post-WOD meal. It is preferable to consume a solid protein source since we are focusing on whole foods. But a lot of people have a difficult time eating right after a workout when the "window of opportunity" is before us. You'll understand what this means a little more tomorrow when I post information on whey protein.

Unknown said...

Hey Mark. Here is a direct quote from Whole9 website with regards to fish oil and the calculator:

"In our experience, higher doses of fish oil are necessary to balance out some of our dietary and lifestyle factors – most notably, our pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid intake.  All of these factors – poor diets, lack of sleep, high stress jobs or too much exercise – promote inflammation in the body.  The more inflammation, the more fish oil we’d generally recommend you take, understanding that you supplement with fish oil in conjunction with improving your dietary and lifestyle factors."

I hope that clears it up a bit.

Forks said...

Thanks Dawson

Jessi said...

Hey crystal!
Andrew and I will place an order for some meat from Wendy's Market. Are you making a trip out soon?

Unknown said...

Just an FYI for everyone... Pork is allowed regardless if organic or not. But bacon is not allowed.

SamuraiMark said...

Not approved during this challenge:


And I guess probably not so much recommended any other time. I think I need some spinach.

Anonymous said...

Are dill pickles allowed?

Crystal said...

Damn you Dawson and your anti-bacon challenge. I will never give up bacon... Neverrrrrrr.

Unknown said...

Anonymous... Dill pickles not allowed.

Crystal... I love bacon just like everyone else. But not everyone has access to unprocessed bacon. Well, they do but that comes at a premium. If you can get your hands on nitrate-free, low to no sodium, no added sugar, shaved right off the pig's back bacon then feel free to cook some up and enjoy.

Andrew Ethridge said...

Count me in!

George said...

God I hate peer pressure...if all of you are doing it, then count me in! Connor will not because he thinks bacon is its own food group

Adam P said...

I'll give it a shot.

Forks said...

One more food question, what about bean sprouts are they allowed?

Catherine H said...

IN!!! :)

Michelle said...

Eric and I are in!

Amanda said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

There is no motivation like public exposure. Full Disclosure Nutrition:


Wait! Before you click that link, there will be partial nudity. And it will mostly be me without a shirt so, you know, you have been warned. Maybe I'll 'shop my head on top of various shirtless Brad Pitt characters. Fight Club Pitt. Or Troy Pitt. I need to train harder.
